Our Services

Because every person is an individual...

  • We deliver tailor-made Assessments & Therapies plus Training, Consultation & Support to others.
  • All our outcomes are evaluated, see our full services list.

Tailor-made Assessments and Therapies

Because every person is an individual and no two problems or situations are exactly alike, we understand that assessment and therapeutic work will vary according to need.

At Midlands Psychology we have the skills to ensure this. An initial evaluation enables as full an understanding as possible and allows a way forward to be agreed. We do not have a 'one size fits all' philosophy.

Training, Consultation and Support to others

We offer a range of training programmes, developed and delivered by experienced trainers.

We can put together 'bespoke' training packages according to need and are always happy to discuss your training requirements with you.

All Outcomes Evaluated

We evaluate all outcomes and share this information routinely with our service users.

This means evaluating therapeutic outcomes, using valid measures 'before' and 'after' interventions, collating feedback on training and consultation programmes and obtaining measures of customer satisfaction at all times.

We do this to make sure that what we do works. You can be confident that whichever service you are seeking will be tried and tested and that this process will be ongoing.

Midlands Psychology is a member of CORC, the CAMHS Outcome Research Group, through which we contribute to the national evidence base.

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