Family focused learning and support because "Every student can learn: just not on the same day, or in the same way". (George Evans)

AU-SUMS offers an opportunity for youngsters to discover their learning potential through a safe, supportive and creative learning environment that really works...!

What makes AU-SUMS different?

Reintegration support and an alternative curriculum

Some children and young people are not able to attend school. This can be for many different reasons. For most of these, AU-SUMS aims to  provide a safe space to support them whist working towards reintegration. 

However, we understand that there are some children for whom this is not possible. These youngsters may be out of school for long periods of time. Some of them can become the "forgotten children", whose contact with life outside the home becomes increasingly limited, impacting on their emotional and physical well-being.

AU-SUMS offers a family-orientated environment and an alternative curriculum. We are a registered ASDAN centre.

We are proud of our successful track record of helping to bridge children and young people back into school, college and training placements.

Join Us!

If your child is aged between 7 and 17 years, you can access our centre and attend sessions with your child.

We offer:

  • A safe place for the children to meet
  • Learning and support
  • Information and advice
  • Activities, workshops
  • Social opportunities
  • Meeting point for visits
  • Resources (books, sensory equipment, toys etc)
  • An opportunity to work towards recognised awards and qualifications

Click <here> to be directed to the AU-SUMS Facebook page.

Click <here> for our AEP Safeguarding Policy.

For further information about AU-SUMS, please contact us at
[email protected]